On this blog, I share useful reflections about innovation, sustainability and managing high-performance teams.

I try to make it thought-provoking and practical.

These reflections are based on real-life examples. They’re inspired from spending nearly 10 years growing GoudronBlanc (an e-commerce fashion business) and running innovation projects with Fortune 500 companies (think: Coca-Cola, Mars, Google, Meta…).

I also share exclusive content in Progress, my newsletter.

Make sure you get this monthly update. (It’s sharp.)

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More about Guerric de Ternay:

  • In 2011, I started GoudronBlanc, a brand for gentlemen who love high-quality T-shirts.
  • Since 2016, I’ve been at ?What If! running innovation projects for Fortune 500 companies.
  • I have taught marketing and innovation in top business schools (UCL, London Business School, Princeton, etc.).
  • In 2018, I published The Value Mix, a book about creating products that people want.
  • In 2022, I published The Opportunity Lenses, a book about finding tomorrow’s most promising business opportunities.
  • And in 2024, I published The Inspiring Team Lead, a book giving my best tips on how to lead a team.
  • I love helping people make cool stuff happen.
  • Here, I share my reflections ✍️ on innovation and strategy.

My most recent reflections:

Every month, I share some exclusive stories and tips about strategy, innovation, and personal growth. (Lots of cool stuff!)

And subscribe here.